Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Engaging the Media

There are more than 170 tutoring and/or mentoring programs in Chicago. We can't all be in the media every day. Thus, the Tutor/Mentor Connection hopes to help as many programs as possible tell their story with blogs, so that some get into the media and point to a network of bloggers and program web sites where readers can give time, talent or dollars.

Last week, Genita Robinson, Executive Director of Lawyers Lend A Hand to Youth was able to get a letter in the Chicago Tribune. Since the newspapers don't like to post web links, readers would need to do a Google search for the Lend A Hand web site.

If they do, they will see that this organization raises money for volunteer based tutor/mentor programs, and has a list of programs on their web site which readers could use to build their own involvement.


  1. Very nice information of "Online Tutoring". Another good resource http://www.onlinetutoringusa.com

  2. Media takes a major role in promotion of any event. Another event Banana Shpeel is to take place in Chicago with perfect coordination of sounds and audio and also a discount of 20%on the tickets.

  3. William, I'd like to see the Bananna Shpeel set up a section about volunteering and philanthropy and tutor/mentor programs on your site.

    That way when you post links here I can point to your web site where you're doing the same to help kids in Chicago.

    Same for Online Tutoring. Use your site to draw volunteers and donors to places where kids can connect with technology, and mentors, and these places can connect the students to on-line resources.
