Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Silent Crisis: Large Numbers of Youth Are Not Completing High School

Demand for Better High Schools Grows Nationally. On Tuesday, April 11 and Wednesday, April 12, the Oprah Winfrey Show will turn the focus of its estimated 49 million U.S. viewers to the dropout crisis in America's high schools. Also this week, TIME magazine's April 17, 2006 cover story, "Dropout Nation," provides an in-depth look at the nationwide dropout crisis and the repercussions that accompany it.

Visit the Connect for Kids web site at http://www.connectforkids.org/node/2776 and read the statistics on this drop out crisis.

Will this public visibility be a random act of media attention? Or can it be sustained as daily bread to feed the understanding of the thousand of people who need to be involved if there is to be a change in the support system for youth who don't make it through school and into careers on the first chance they have.

As we approach Easter weekend, think of the 2000 years of leadership that have resulted in millions of people coming together this weekend. Who will provide the long-term leadership that brings millions of people into a church of commitment to underserved youth in America and other countries?

Visit the Tutor/Mentor Institute section at http://www.tutormentorexchange.net and read power point essays that illustrate the role business, professional, faith and media leaders can take to support a pipeline of organizations that mentor kids through school and into careers.

Look at the Maps on the site to see the large number of neighborhoods in big cities like Chicago where an orchestra of programs are needed, but where too few programs currently exist.

Then, visit http://www.tutormentorconference.org and make an effort to connect with others in the May and June Tutor/Mentor Conferences so you can become part of a solution to this problem, with your time, your talent, your treasure and your leadership.

Dan Bassill
Tutor/Mentor Connection

Read about the www.cabriniconnections.net program and its efforts to help inner city teens to careers.

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