Friday, September 15, 2006

Blogging for a Purpose

Today in the Chicago SunTimes, Steve Huntley wrote a commentary titled "Lots of Questions to answer before schools get more money." In the article he asked why parents who have sacrificed to have kids in communities with better schools, and higher taxes, would be willing to pay for the costs of educating other people's kids.

To me, this goes beyond providing that proposed school reform, and non profit strategies work, it provokes a question of "how do we get more people personally involved so they'd care enough to help other people's kids?"

I feel volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs are one of the best strategies the nation might invest in to get adults who don't live in poverty personally connected with kids who do. Through these connections these adults will have a better understanding of the challenges poverty presents, and a more personal reason to use their time, talent and dollars to create change.

Unfortunately, there are too few programs building long term connections, and too few dollars to help existing and new programs grow from start, to good, to great.

That brings me to the topic of blogs, and blog exchanges. I encourage you to visit

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