Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Blog Exchange update

I received a note yesterday from Vermont Mentoring.

In today's post they wrote, "Since we have been blogging for an entire 5 days now, we thought it would be a good time to give you a clearer picture of what we actually do."

This is what we hope mentoring programs all over the country will do. We don't have much money for advertising. We don't have money for long-term research and evaluation. We do have stories.

If we connect our stories, in blog exchanges, or linked web sites, we draw more attention to our programs, and this serves as advertising, and builds public understanding of who we are, where we are and what we do.

It helps us attract the volunteers and donors and other resources we need to keep creating mentoring and tutoring experiences that we show on our web sites and blogs.

If you've not created a blog, why not so what Vermont Mentoring did, and start one this week. If you write about the goals of the conference we're hosting in Chicago on May 17 and 18, we'd like to list you as part of the Tutor/Mentor Blog Exchange.


  1. Hi Daniel - Just noticed that your link to VT Mentoring in this post is wrong.

    Should be without a www.

    Thanks! Kari

  2. Thanks Kari, I fixed it. I hope others will read what you've posted about the blog exchange on your own blog.

    If we can recruit five or six other mentoring leaders, from other parts of the country, to blog with us like you are, we can connect our networks in ways that we all draw more support for what we do.

    If you have others in your email network, I encourage you to reach out and invite them to blog with you.
