Saturday, July 21, 2007

Students as journalists

For several years I've recognized the challenge leaders of small non profits have in telling their stories on a regular basis. One solution has been to try to enlist college and high school students as journalists. Ultimately, our goal is that we're teaching our own teens to write about what happens every week in a tutor/mentor program.

This week, Nicole White, who is with Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection through a Northwestern Public Interest Program Fellowship, wrote about two activities involving Cabrini Connections students and volunteers.

Here's another example. A group of volunteers and teens at Cabrini Connections are meeting weekly, and using a blog to share their experiences.

This illustrates what's possible. If you teach journalism, or English, or lead a service-learning program, why not engage your students as writers who tell the story of tutor/mentor programs in Chicago or in your own community.

If you share your blog address with us, we'll post it to our web site.

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