Saturday, August 25, 2007

Learn about Cabrini Connections. View new video on YouTube

School is starting and Cabrini Connections, like all other volunteer based tutor/mentor programs, is seeking volunteers, and donors. While we're looking for people who will spend one evening a week as a one-on-one tutor/mentor, we're also looking for people who will use their talent to help us.

Here's an example. Rebecca Parrish has created a new video about Cabrini Connections, which you can view at

If you email this to friends, co-workers, family and alumni, in Chicago, and in other cities, some will support us with time, talent and/or dollars and we'll be able to continue to offer this service for another year.

At the end of the video is a link to the Tutor/Mentor Connection web site. If you search for tutor/mentor programs using the Program Locator or find a program section, you'll be able to find places throughout Chicago where you can use your time, talent or dollars to help kids.

We don't make the world better by talking about its problems. We make it better by contributing to its solutions.

Please be a contributor.

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