Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Is the CPS strike addressing the US Skills Gap?

This info graphic is one parents and k-12 youth should be looking at. Policy makers should be asking schools what they are doing to motivate more young people to choose technical careers. Businesses should be building strategies that engage current workers as mentors who influence career choices of future workers.

America's Skills Gap
Infographic provided by

Look a these Leadership Ideas and build your employee engagement strategy to support your workforce development goals.


  1. Mentoring is not a joke. It requires patience and hard work associated with certain knowledge.
    How to Mentor

  2. Thanks for introducing yourself. I've been trying to connect with business school teachers in an effort to build student led marketing programs that help draw needed operating resources and technology to tutor/mentor programs in different neighborhoods of big cities. With your commitment to mentoring and your role in the university I hope you'll be interested.
