Friday, February 07, 2014

Network Building - See example on I-Open Blog

I've written many articles about network building, collaboration, learning and complex problems, and how the ideas we share on web sites and blogs have little impact if too few people are looking at them.

I first started blogging in 2005 as part of a Non-Profit Blog Exchange. You can see my first articles here. I've done this consistently since then as a way of expanding my network, learning new ideas, and of attracting more readers to the ideas on my own blog.

Thus, I'm pleased to point to an article titled ACCELERATE ECONOMIC PROSPERITY IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, posted on the I-Open blog. The leader of I-Open is Betsey Merkle, who I first connected with on Facebook in 2011. Betsy's base of operations is Cleveland, Ohio. However, through the internet she reaches people throughout the world. She is one of the most active network-builders I've met in the way she is constantly using social media to draw attention to people she has met, and to connect those people with each other.

I wrote this article about Network growth and this article about Unleashing Your Personal Power to illustrate the work that must be done if we're to attract millions of people, and thousands of leaders and decision makers, to the ideas we share on blogs and web sites which represent a "university of ideas" focused on closing the gaps between poverty and affluence by creating and sustaining mentor-rich support systems in thousands of high poverty neighborhoods of the US and other countries.

Without others sharing what I write, or me pointing to what they write, few of us have the advertising dollars, or celebrity visibility, to draw needed attention to these ideas on a single day, or a consistent basis.

I hope you'll read the articles I write, follow the links, and share this information with people in your own network. That's how movements grow and how change can take place in this world of many problems.

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