Saturday, March 15, 2014

March Tutor/Mentor Newsletter - Speakers for Conference

You can now read the March 2014 Tutor/Mentor newsletter. It's full of links to research, resources, ideas, and articles that anyone can use to help building and sustain mentor-rich programs that help youth move through school and into jobs and careers. If you'd like to receive this in your email, just subscribe at this link.

Included in this newsletter is a list of speakers who I expect to present workshops at the May 19, 2014 Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference. You can see the list, and bios, here. A few more people are expected to confirm workshops and some of those who have confirmed may change before May 19. However, I think this is a great list and offers many reasons for people to attend the conference.

I'm pleased to announce that Becoming We the People, a non profit focused on Northwest Indiana, that has been part of conference planning since 2011, has agreed to act as fiscal agent for conference sponsorships. I offer $20 scholarships to anyone who requests them, and do not charge a fee to workshop presenters. Thus, finding some sponsors to help cover these costs, and other expenses related to the conferences and the Tutor/Mentor Connection, is really important.

If you read the newsletter and browse the links we point to you'll see a huge amount of information. The conferences are part of an on-going effort to collect and share this information with a growing number of people who need to be consistently involved in helping constantly improving tutor/mentor programs reach youth in more of the high poverty neighborhoods of Chicago and other cities, with a flow of ideas, talent and dollars that enables each program to constantly grow in what they do to help transform the lives of youth, volunteers and communities.

Graphics like this one are intended to communicate this ideas. Visit this page to see a video breaking this graphic down into individual components.

I hope you value the ideas and will share this information in your own network. If you can attend the conference in May please do. If you can connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Linked in or in Google communities, then we can go deeper into this information and connect more frequently.

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