Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Expanding number of people involved in Chicago youth development

This graphic was created by an intern from South Korea as an update of an earlier project done in 2005 by an intern from Hong Kong. You can view it here.

This second graphic was created by a volunteer from the University of Michigan as part of a one week winter break project. You can view it here.

Both projects show that volunteers who become part of well-organized tutor/mentor programs grow in their understanding of poverty and the challenges faced by youth, families, and the tutor/mentor programs who support these connections. As some volunteers grow over a period of two to three or more years of involvement, some become recruiters and resource builders who do more to help the program, and some become deeply involved in the lives of the youth, and do more to help the youth move through school.

Using maps, leaders can build a marketing and program support effort, modeled after how corporate offices support multiple stores in different locations, to make more mentor rich programs available throughout a city like Chicago. At some point, the number of programs who are growing new leaders would lead to a constant expansion of the people and resources needed to grow the number of programs, and grow the impact of these programs.

This does not happen if a few leaders don't step forward to support this process.

See more ideas like this on the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC site and library.

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