Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Knowledge Based Problem Solving - What is it?

I've been trying to find an elevator speech that quickly communicates what I do to corporate and philanthropic leaders, and I continue to struggle to do that. Last night in an event at JPMorgan Chase I simply said, "while you're on the airplane search for "tutor mentor" on Google and my sites will be on the first page. Spend some time looking at the sites and perhaps you'll form your own understanding. Click on the images feature, and look at maps and graphics I've created.

That's probably not a good tactic, but I'm working in a field that does not have a lot of understanding of knowledge management and innovation, especially applied to social sector involvement. In early September I attended an event where a business leader said "most CEOs don't understand, or embrace knowledge management".

Wow. No wonder I have been struggling to gain consistent business and philanthropic support for nearly 20 years.

My problem is compounded by the fact that I'm talking in dimensions. I use maps to show all of the places in Chicago where kids need extra support that organized tutor/mentor programs can provide. I use graphics that show the 12-16 years of continued support kids need to move from first grade to first job. I use other graphics to show the range of people who could be helping, as well as the variety of age appropriate supports kids need at every age level.

Too few people are thinking this way. If they are, they are not connecting with me.

I've been creating illustrated essays to communicate my ideas. Below are two. If you're on an airplane or stuck in a hotel, I hope you'll look at these and want to meet so we can talk about how you and a team of your employees/friends might begin to dig deeper into this information and apply it in your own actions.

Solving problems requires consistent long-term impact. This is what a "vertical" network would do.

Vertical Horizontal Networks and Social Problem Solving by Daniel F. Bassill

Innovation is enhanced when you can look at what other people are already doing to solve the same problem you have been trying to solve. In this PDF step one focuses on knowledge management while steps two and three focus on ways to increase the number of people involved in this problem solving, and who help people use the knowledge to support youth, and youth serving organizations in many neighborhoods of big cities like Chicago.

Problem-Solving Strategy-Explanation and Overview by Daniel F. Bassill

These are two of many essays in the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC Library. Form a circle of interested volunteers and begin to dig into this information, then apply the ideas in ongoing efforts to help every youth born in a high poverty neighborhood today be starting a job and career by their late 20's.

I am available to help guide you, and your team, through this information and help you understand how it is intended to be used.

If you figure out an "elevator speech" to introduce this, please send it to me.

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