Sunday, March 22, 2015

Rahm and Chuy. Use Maps. Visualizations.

The Chicago elections are two weeks away and the Mayor is spending millions to bash his opponent, while Chuy is painting the Mayor as the "rich man's candidate". I've yet to see either use maps and visualizations to show how he'll mobilize and distribute needed resources and programs into high poverty areas in order to help more youth move through school and into jobs, and in the process create the aspirations and hope that might turn more from violence and self destruction toward a self-improvement path.

Below is a strategy map, that any candidate, or civic leader, can adopt and lead. I'd love to see a candidate point to this illustrating commitment, and strategy.

The presentation below shows a planning process that needs to be led and championed by many leaders. We ought to elect those who demonstrate this in their own efforts.

Planning Cycle - War on Poverty by Daniel F. Bassill

This is one of many visualizations that you can find on this page. These were done by interns working with me in past years. The Mayor, an alderman, business leaders and others can encourage youth to create their own strategy visualizations, in an effort to teach leadership roles, and in an effort to mobilize adults to support strategies that make Chicago the best city in the world to live and raise kids.

If you see any of the candidates showing visualizations like these, take a photo and post it to me on Twitter @tutormentorteam.

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