Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Creating a new journey map. Connecting Chicago to World.

I started hosting Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conferences in Chicago in May, 1994, as part of a strategy intended to draw area volunteer-based tutoring, mentoring and learning programs and supporters together to learn from each other and as part of a strategy to increase public awareness of tutor/mentor programs all over the Chicago region, so that more would have the talent and dollars needed to sustain their work and constantly improve.

I started connecting with other people beyond Chicago via on-line list serves in 1998 and have grown my connections and commitments to on-line learning, network-building, mapping and collaboration, every year since then...even though many of the people who have the money to fund my work are not yet using the Internet the same way.

I've been participating in cMOOCs that connect people and ideas in on-line, open and on-going efforts since the late 2000s. I joined a "connected learning MOOC" last week which encourages participants to learn new ideas and share what they are learning on blogs.  Today on this Tutor/Mentor Exchange site I posted a StoryMap that I was inspired to create after seeing this version done by one of the course leaders.

Click here to see my version.

I shared this last night with #clmooc friends via Twitter and Terry Elliott, who I've written about before (see story), put my presentation on YouTube and added music to it.

I've put together a concept map that aggregates links to blogs of Terry and others who are helping amplify and shape the ideas I've been sharing.  

Every time I or someone else posts an article related to the mission of the Tutor/Mentor Institute, my hope is that others will add their own efforts and talent and that someone will become the benefactor who provides the funds that keeps me doing this work for the next few years and enables some institution to take ownership of my archives and ideas and carry them forward into the future.

Join the Connected Learning MOOC conversation on Twitter using hashtag #curiouscolab


  1. I love that years later, this remix of Terry still has value in surfacing your work, Daniel.

  2. One challenge I keep trying to overcome is motivating people to look at articles written in the past, since 2005. These often are relevant to issues of today, and contain important ideas that I keep trying to reinforce.
