Sunday, July 05, 2020

Navigate the Tutor/Mentor Library

I've been building a web library since 1990s with one big question in mind. "What are all the things we need to know, and do, to assure that all kids born in poverty in one year are starting jobs/careers 25 years later?

The links in the library point to research, youth programs in Chicago and around the country, and resources needed to build and sustain high quality volunteer-based youth tutor, mentor and learning programs in more places.

In March I was informed that the platform  hosting the web library was corrupted and a new format for the links library needed to be built. That involved manually moving over 2000 links from one format to a new one, then updating my concept maps and library blog to point to the new link addresses.

Today I finished the main part of the job.  I'll never be able to go back through past articles and update links, but fortunately, the two main links, embedded in many past articles, did not change.

Thus, to visit the Chicago area program links section, click here.

To visit t he main library, where you will see a list of categories, click here.

A few years ago I created an article on this blog where I listed all the sections of the library, and provided short TINYURL links to each. I also listed concept maps and PDF presentations that I referred to often and that I had created short links for.  By using this as a reference you can find resources I point to often and I can keep repeating the same short link when ever I refer to a specific resource.  I don't need to keep re-creating short links.

Below is a screen shot of just one section of that article, which points to the short links I've created for the Chicago area tutor and/or mentor programs list that I maintain.

This section of the Tutor/Mentor Library blog shows links to Chicago area tutor and/or mentor programs.
There's a huge amount of information in this library which means you need to spend time regularly visiting and getting to know what's there and what's useful to you.  I wish I could say there was a section with quick solutions to ending urban violence, or ending racial injustices and income/wealth gaps. They don't exist.  What you will find are ideas that can be part of comprehensive long-term solutions.

I keep adding links and I fix broken ones when they are reported to me.  At least once every two years I go through every section of the library, opening every link, to make sure they work, fix or remove broken links, and refresh my memory on why I added the resource to the library in the first place.

As I do this I often will share the links on Twitter.  Below is an example.

Anyone can do the same. As you look through the library share via Tweets, FB posts, Instagram, etc. what you are finding. That way you help other people find these resources, too.

Thank you to Nathan Bryer for continuing to host the Tutor/Mentor Connection/Institute, LLC library and to the small group of donors who continue to send annual contributions to help me keep this information available to everyone in the world.

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