Monday, January 02, 2023

New Year Reflections for past decade

I wish you all a full 2023 filled with hope, good health and happiness.

I've been writing this blog since 2005 and had been sharing ideas via printed and email newsletters since forming the Tutor/Mentor Connection and a site-based tutor/mentor program called Cabrini Connections, in 1993.

Almost all articles focus on the message in this graphic.  "What will it take to assure that youth born or living in high poverty are entering careers by age 25?  What role does mentoring have?  What can we learn from others?

My first post every January has been a reflection and a challenge for the coming year.  As I thought about what to write today, I reviewed past January posts, and tagged them with "NewYear" so readers can find them more easily. 

I hope you'll spend time reading them.  

You can begin with last year's "Where it began" article. 

You can jump to this 2019 article titled "What the Heck am I Trying to Do?" article.

Or you can visit this January 2011 article titled "New Year. New Decade. New Hope.

Here's another article that I encourage you to read, titled "Bridges that Connect People on Both Sides of the Poverty Line". It was written in September 2005.  In the final paragraph I wrote "I've been working at this for more than 30 years yet I'm still just a whisper in the wilderness." 

Too few people have ever heard about me or the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC.  

That means, if you read and share these, they may find fertile soil and bloom to new life, and new hope.

That's my wish for 2023.  

I am still using Twitter to try to reach as many people as possible with these ideas. I use other platforms, too.  Visit this page and find links to all of them.

And, I continue to depend on a small group of supporters to help me pay the bills and keep sharing these ideas.  Visit this page if you'd like to help. 

Thank you for reading. Happy New Year to you. 

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