Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Use AI to Build Deeper Understanding of the Ideas I Share

This is a graphic that was created by an intern from South Korea more than 10 years ago, based on a blog article I'd written in the late 2000s. You can read about it in articles like this one.

If we want to solve problems facing us we need to spend time in deeper learning.  

Over the past week I've posted articles that provide a comprehensive summary of the Tutor/Mentor Connection (1993-present) and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC (2011-present) which I started, and still lead.  I used Google NotebookLM to create these summaries and shared podcasts created by the AI with two people discussing the source material.

You can read them here, here and here

The goal is that thousands of people read and share these, creating their own podcasts, videos, blog articles, etc. and that this results in information-based intermediary strategies growing in every area with pockets of concentrated poverty, in the USA and the world.

Maybe it will even lead to a wealthy person putting up the money to move this strategy to a university, or another institution, and rebuild it so it has a greater impact over the next 20 years. 

If you're doing this, please share a link in the comments or on social media, and I'll point to your work via my social media platforms and the Tutor/Mentor Library.

If you want to help me do this work, please send a contribution. Visit this page.

Or, start a conversation with me on LinkedIn, BlueSky or Mastodon.

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