Thursday, January 21, 2016

Building the Learning Network - Example

In the past few articles I've mentioned Terry Elliott, and shown how we've connected via cMOOCs held the past few years.  Below are three videos, illustrating how that connection is growing.

In preparation for today's Hangout, Terry created this article on his blog, focusing on this article from my blog and this article on Simon Ensor's blog. It included the two videos below:

Daniel Bassill

Simon Ensor

What I admire about Terry and a few others who I've met via cMOOCs and similar on-line forums is that he takes the time to dig into information put online by myself and others, then takes even more time to create screencasts and similar work that shows his understanding of what he's looking at and encourages others to spend their own time looking at the information.

Today's Hangout with Daniel, Simon and Terry

I hope you'll take some time to view these, and share them on your own blogs and web sites. Terry created a Vialog where you can offer your own comments and join the conversation. 

I home many others will create their own guided tours through this information and will share links to your articles in the comment section below, and on Twitter, Facebook, Linked in and other spaces.

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