Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Help me help others

I'll be 78 in two days, on December 19th.  Since I formed the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC in 2011 I've added a "Dan's Birthday" campaign to my year end giving request.  

I did this to appeal to potential donors who were not willing to support Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC since it is not a 501-c-3 non-profit due to changes in mid 2011 that separated the Tutor/Mentor Connection from it's non-profit organizational roots dating back to its founding in late 1992.

I've not raised much money each year and have cut expenses dramatically, and have not drawn a salary since 2011. That means that some of the resources built in the 2000s, like the Tutor/Mentor Program Locator are now off line, and only available as archives.  I still maintain and share a list of Chicago area tutor, mentor and learning programs and an extensive library of resources people can use to understand where and why volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs are needed.

I share this on social media daily and in monthly email newsletters, as well as on the http://www.tutormentorexchange.net website, which really is a workshop for people looking to start and support youth serving organizations.  

If you're reading this you've probably read some of my blogs from the past year, or 20 years!  Thank you.  Now, please visit one of the pages shown below and add your support so I can do this again in 2025.

Dan's 78th birthday - click here

Support Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC - click here

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