Friday, December 13, 2024

Holiday Wish - Read and Share!

Below is a graphic that I've used often over the past 30 years.  

At the top is the hub/spoke graphic that visualizes the role of volunteers from multiple sectors connecting with economically disadvantaged K-12 youth in on-going, long-term, tutor, mentor and learning programs.

On each spoke is a circle, representing how any volunteer in these programs could be reading articles on this blog, or visiting sections of the website, then using their own blogs, videos, podcasts, TicToc, etc. to share what they are learning with others in their business and/or personal networks.

In doing so, we'd have thousands of disciples recruiting millions of people to support kids in high poverty areas and working to end systemic racism and other complex problems that keep so many people poor or lower class in America. 

Below is a larger version of the second element of the graphic shown above.

My holiday wish, and New Year wish, is that each reader become the "YOU" in this graphic and share my articles, visual essays, videos and web library with people in their own networks.

Don't just share. Start conversations.  Use the maps to focus attention on all of the places where people need extra help.  

A couple of nights ago I had dreams about the "information-based problem solving" strategies that I've piloted.  Open this link and read about this strategy.

If you are religious and you read Holy Books, you're engaged in an "information-based" learning strategy.  As you go through school the curriculum and required and suggested reading are part of "information-based" learning strategies. 

It's only when the learning focuses on fully funding and solving a specific problem over many years of consistent effort that it becomes a full "information-based problem solving" strategy, which is what I'm sharing.

Read, reflect, discuss, share. 

Anyone can do it.

Here's another graphic that shares the same idea.

The blue box in the middle shows the role of intermediaries, like myself, who collect, archive, curate and share information and ideas on websites and blogs.  As long as someone does this for a city like Chicago, anyone else in the region can take the learning roles I described above.

I've been collecting information to support my role as a volunteer tutor/mentor and leader of tutor/mentor programs for over 50 years.  I'm 78 next week.  This role needs to be taken by someone younger, ideally at a local university (in Chicago and in other cities).  My library and archive are only valuable if someone keeps them online and updated over the next 10-30 years.  

If you're interested in discussing this connect with me on LinkedIn, Facebook, BlueSky, Instagram or Mastodon. See links on this page

My other wish is that some of you will contribute to my December 19th birthday campaign or my on-going "Fund T/MI" campaign

I've not drawn a salary for leading the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC since 2011.  I've paid many of the expenses from my own savings, which are now mostly depleted.  It's only through the continued annual donations of a small group of supporters that I've been able to keep doing this work.  I hope you'll join them this year.

Thanks for reading (and hopefully sharing) my articles.  Enjoy your weekend, and your holidays.

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