Friday, January 10, 2025
Celebrate and support mentoring - National Mentoring Month
Saturday, January 04, 2025
Inequality. So much data. So little change.
I started the Tutor/Mentor Connection in 1993 as an information-based public education effort, intended to build a better understanding of what volunteer-based tutor, mentor and learning programs were in Chicago and help draw needed operating resources and volunteers to all of them. Since 2011 I've led this through Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Into the new year
In 2008 I'd already spent 14 years trying to reverse the traditional two-way process of how nonprofits obtain resources from people who already have a self interest in wanting these nonprofits to be successful in their missions. We'll never have great social benefit programs in a majority of the places where they are needed based on the current system of competitive allocation.
Yet, if we can engage the talent of volunteers and leaders to serve in intermediary roles, we can do more to connect people who can help with places where help is needed.
I put these and similar charts on the T/MC web site with a goal that they are used by groups of people in universities, churches, businesses, etc. who want to become more strategic, and more engaged, in the ways they use their talent, time and resources to help end poverty in Chicago, and other cities around the world.
I included this map showing locations of colleges and universities in the Chicago region, with overlays showing where poverty was most concentrated and where poorly performing schools (based on 2007 Illinois State Board of Education) were located.
It requires many leaders in many organizations and communities. This is why I think some of this leadership should be anchored in universities who have long term commitments to their neighborhoods and the city of Chicago. Through these universities we can engage other teams of volunteers, from hospitals, businesses, civic and social organizations. (I'll write about the role of hospitals, faith groups and businesses in a different article.)
Since 2008 I've created other visual essays to encourage universities to create on-campus Tutor/Mentor Connection strategies. See them in these articles.
Friday, December 27, 2024
When will this end?
However, the color of your skin and racism affects people of all income levels. Maps can help target resources and programs to areas of high poverty. They can also show incidents of police violence, traffic stops, drug arrests and other systemic practices that affect people of color more than others. We need to understand and address both issues.
Monday, December 23, 2024
Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 20, 2024
Long Term Connections
One said, "Happy Birthday Dan! thanks for everything that you have done for us."
Another said, "Happiest of Birthdays to such an amazing person! Someone who shaped me into who I am today! Happy Birthday Dan!!"
A few also showed their support with contributions to my Birthday Campaign. I appreciate them all. It's why I keep doing this work.
Look at the history
Over the past few days I've been sharing posts I made in late December of 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Below I've reposted my 2008 article. Read the "Once in Cabrini Connections, always in Cabrini Connections" message.
---- start 2008 -----
Yesterday when I came to the office I received an email telling me about a funeral being held that morning for the 2-year old daughter of a former Cabrini Connections student. The message came from the volunteer who began mentoring that youth in the mid 1990s and who continues to this day --- more than 15 years later -- to still be a mentor in the life of this youth and his family.I went to the funeral. It was tragic. The minister said "nothing I say can make sense of this tragic death" but "God has a purpose and maybe this death brings us together and changes our own life direction".
While he was addressing the family and friends of this young man and his wife, he did not realize he was also addressing the Cabrini Connections family. I had not talked to this volunteer in more than a year, or to this young man in about the same length of time. At the funeral I saw, and talked with, others who had been part of Cabrini Connections, or the Montgomery Ward/Cabrini Green Tutoring Program prior to 1992. I'd not seen many of these young people for many years, but have been making an effort to reconnect via Facebook and our Linked in pages.
Maybe this tragedy will be the catalyst that gets more of our former students and volunteers reconnected to our current students and volunteers and each other.
Mentoring is not about reading, writing, test scores, and teacher-directed tutoring. It's about relationships that form because a program like Cabrini Connections is available in the neighborhood, and creates an introduction during one year, that we hope lasts for a life time. Well organized tutor/mentor programs support the match between youth and adult, with the goal that they last for additional years so the bond between young people and volunteers, and the organization, grows and remains supportive as everyone grows older.
Once in Cabrini Connections, always in Cabrini Connections. I've been saying this for many years. I mean it.
Being at this funeral and giving support is just one small example of the type of support mentors can give to youth, and each other. Recognizing that these young adults, who were in elementary school or middle school when we first met them, still need our support for them, and for their own children, is what this community is really all about, and why we need donations from people who read this blog or visit our web sites.
January is National Mentoring Month. As you make your New Year's Resolution I hope you'll read the blogs we write, and learn more about this long-term form of mentoring, and ways that you, your church, your family and your business can support it in 2009 and beyond.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Help me help others
I'll be 78 in two days, on December 19th. Since I formed the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC in 2011 I've added a "Dan's Birthday" campaign to my year end giving request.
I did this to appeal to potential donors who were not willing to support Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC since it is not a 501-c-3 non-profit due to changes in mid 2011 that separated the Tutor/Mentor Connection from it's non-profit organizational roots dating back to its founding in late 1992.
I've not raised much money each year and have cut expenses dramatically, and have not drawn a salary since 2011. That means that some of the resources built in the 2000s, like the Tutor/Mentor Program Locator are now off line, and only available as archives. I still maintain and share a list of Chicago area tutor, mentor and learning programs and an extensive library of resources people can use to understand where and why volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs are needed.
I share this on social media daily and in monthly email newsletters, as well as on the website, which really is a workshop for people looking to start and support youth serving organizations.
If you're reading this you've probably read some of my blogs from the past year, or 20 years! Thank you. Now, please visit one of the pages shown below and add your support so I can do this again in 2025.
Dan's 78th birthday - click here
Support Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC - click here