Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Building Network of Purpose

I'm sure I've written about this many times in the past, but if we want more kids to enter STEM careers, or live productive lives out of poverty, then we need to be building a network of people and organizations who share ideas and support each others efforts. This idea is explained in more detail in this pdf and on other essays that you can find on the Tutor/Mentor Institute site, and on past blog articles that I've written.

The T/MC has hosted networking conferences in Chicago every six months since May 1994. The next will be November 19 at U.S. Cellular Field. This blog shows how we're attempting to map the networking that is stimulated via the conferences.

There are specific actions that need to be taken by many leaders, in many places, and repeated over and over for many years, if a network of purpose is to grow and achieve its purpose. Read the articles in the Tutor/Mentor Connection OHATS(Organization History and Tracking System) section to see what these actions are and how leaders can hold themselves accountable for what they do.

Do these ideas resonate with you? Then join us. Help us. Become a benefactor, investor, sponsor or volunteer. Call 312-492-9614

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