Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I searched Google today to see if any results were found using the word "blogevangelism".

I found 78 listings. Thus, am I part of a new trend?

Read a couple of useful posts using this term, here and here.

I'm not sure that these folks are using the term the way I am, to create attention for a social cause. I first used this term today, in a post on the T/MC forum, where I encouraged others to borrow from ideas that I and others post on T/MC blogs, to create their own outreach and "blog-evangelism" that reaches people in their own networks.

Thus, if you look at the graphic, imagine yourself as the red ball on the world's largest Ping Pong table. Every time you write about tutoring/mentoring, and point to a T/MC blog, you are encouraging the people you know to spread the message you are writing about. If they pass this message on via their own blogs and networking, it can quickly reach around the world.

If you network strategically, talking about things that other people are thinking about, such as volunteer recruitment during the "back-to-school time frame", then your blog can become fuel that propels this movement forward, resulting in more people become involved in volunteer-based tutoring/mentoring and other activities that help kids move from poverty to jobs and careers.

Are you doing "blogevangelism"?

1 comment:

Tutor Mentor Connections said...

I am not promoting any particular faith through the articles on the Tutor/Mentor Connection blog. However, I do borrow from my own church upbringing, and from web sites like http://guide.gospelcom.net/resources/medium.php

If we're to reach more people and bring them into our "movement" we need to learn from people who have been doing this longer and better than we. If you're trying to draw visitors to your web site or your cause, I encourage you to learn from sites like this.