Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tutor/Mentor Conference, Nov. 21. Follow up to Obama's Call for Service

On November 21, we'll be hosting the 30th Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference since 1994. Our vision is to put President-Elect Barack Obam's call for service and sacrifice into action, by helping people become involved in volunteer-based tutoring/mentoring programs connecting inner city kids with lifelines to high school graduation, college, jobs and careers.

You can see from the photo, that President-elect Obama attended a previous conference in May 1999, where he presented best practice awards and Lend A Hand grants. We hope he or his wife will attend again in the future, and adopt the Tutor/Mentor Connection strategy in some of their own mobilization and leadership efforts.

Nicole White is organizing the conference for the T/MC and is using her blog to profile some of the panels and the programs who will be participating.

You can find the agenda for the conference at

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