Saturday, September 14, 2024

Help Fund This Work

At the end of many of my articles I have a request, asking for readers to make contributions to help Fund the work I do to collect and share information that helps kids in high poverty areas connect with volunteers in organized tutor, mentor and learning programs.

Open this link and you'll find the page shown below. 

With your help I can continue.

 If someone you know has become ill and needs money to pay bills, they set up a "Go Fund Me" page and ask for contributions. They are not 501-c-3 non profits. They are people needing help.

The Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC is not operating as a non profit either. However, it's also not a profit-making business. So, this is my "fund me" page. I (Daniel Bassill) have been self-funding this work since 2011, supported by a small group of continuing donors.

Please add your support.  Send a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or more to help me continue in 2024, 2025 and beyond.

Thank you.

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