Monday, August 28, 2023

Read the Monthly Newsletter

I've published an eMail newsletter almost every month for 20 years.  Before that I published a print newsletter four times a year from 1993 to 2003.   Here's the link to the August 2023 issue.

While you can subscribe to receive this in your in-box, you can also read it on the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC website.  You can also view past issues, back to 2012, at this link

Every newsletter and all of the resources on the website and my blogs focus on helping kids in high poverty areas of big cities like Chicago connect with adult tutor, mentors, friends and coaches, in organized, on-going non-school programs.

There's one common, on-going question.  How can we do this better?  
This question needs to be asked and answered daily, for many years, by thousand of people in Chicago and every other part of the country.  

I hope you'll share the newsletter and my other posts with people in your network, so more people are asking the same question and using the resources to help constantly improving tutor/mentor programs reach  more kids in high poverty areas.

I'm on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon and other social media places. Please follow me and share your own ideas.  Find links on this page. 

Finally, if you can make a small contribution to help me pay the bills, please visit this page for details. 

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