Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Ugh! Broken Links

One of the most frustrating features of the Internet is its inability to maintain links to websites and platforms that no longer exist, or that have been updated, and now have a new address.

I often point to articles I created in the past, and before sharing them, I check to see if links are broken. If they are, I can sometimes find an updated link on the website where it was first published, or I can find a link in the Internet Archive.

Sometimes I create my own problems.  

For instance, I've been updating the PDF essays I've created since the 1990s to visualize ideas. I started posting these on Scribd.com in 2011 and Slideshare.com in 2012.  

I've been updating these and find that Scribd.com accepts updated PDFs without breaking links.  However, Slideshare.com requires a new post of the revised PDF, and deletion of the old one.  That breaks the link.

Below is a ROLE OF LEADERS presentation that I've pointed to often.  

If I had embedded the Scribd.com version in a blog article, the new version shows up when you look at the article.  However, if I embedded the Slideshare version, you get a blank screen.

If you find an article with a blank screen you can always go to my Slideshare.com/tutormentor page and find the updated article.  I don't think I'll ever be able to update all of the articles where I've used that version.

That's life with the Internet.  Expect more of the same in the future. 

Thanks for reading. 

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