I've been posting articles on this blog since 2005, all to explain what the Tutor/Mentor Connection is and ways you can adopt the ideas and strategies to help K-12 kids in Chicago or other cities move through school and into adult lives. I've used graphics like the one at the left to visualize the goal, and the challenges.
I often re-post articles I wrote in the past and today I'm sharing one from 2009 with the headline of "Tutor/Mentor Connection. What is it?"
---- start 2009 article ----

I've led a volunteer based tutor/mentor program since 1975. I've learned that the lives of both youth and volunteers are enriched in different ways because of involvement in these programs. I've received messages from alumni telling me how important the tutor/mentor program was in their lives.
I know how hard this is. I know that there are more than 200,000 school age children in Chicago who would benefit if they could participate in a well-organized, mentor-rich program like Cabrini Connections.
Thus, I created the
Tutor/Mentor Connection in 1993 to help existing tutor/mentor programs in the Chicago area get the resources each one needs to constantly improve what they do.
I cannot do that by myself. I did not start this by myself.
Volunteers from the Montgomery Ward Cabrini-Green Tutoring Program, which I led from 1975 to 1992, helped me start
Cabrini Connections and the
Tutor/Mentor Connection. This
timeline shows our growth since then.
Many other individuals and organizations have helped grow the Tutor/Mentor Connection, with short term, and long-term efforts. For instance, Montgomery Ward provided free space from 1993 to 1999. Public Communications, Inc helped us get media attention from 1993 to 2001. More than 40 volunteers, representing different tutor/mentor programs in Chicago, have volunteered as speakers and workshop presenters at each of the 32 Leadership and Networking Conferences we've organized since May 1994. Volunteers in the legal community created a Lend A Hand Program, which now makes grants totaling more than $200,000 to different tutor/mentor programs in Chicago.
This list of who has helped is extensive.
Visit this page and you can see a list of who helped in the 1990s and early 2000s.
If you visit the
T/MC OHATS documentation system, you can read more than 1400 actions we've documented since 2000. Many of these show that other people have taken roles to help us. (
OHATs is now only available as an archive. Visit this page to see how it was described in 2001)
Yet, we're still a small voice in a big city, constantly looking for money and talent to help us help others.
Thus, I encourage you to consider some of the ideas posted in this presentation.

The graphic shown above emphasizes the role of YOU, the individual, the business leader, the faith leader, the student. You know people who have the skills, and the relationships, who could help the Tutor/Mentor Connection have greater impact, if they added their time and talent.

The concept maps above and below show different
skills and talents that are needed in any organization, including the Tutor/Mentor Connection. When we can put names of people in these boxes, knowing they share the same passion and vision as I do, we will have the small group of people that Margaret Mead wrote "can change the world".
Having the right skills is a great start. Having relationships with people in philanthropy, media, business, faith groups, colleges, etc. means that we will be better able to enlist these sectors and their resources to support the growth of tutor/mentor programs, helping more kids in more places.
----- end 2009 ----
I finished the article the way I do most of my articles.

First, I used this graphic to emphasize the YOU role any reader can take. Can you introduce people you know to the Tutor/Mentor Connection? Can you help find donors during this holiday season to fund Chicago area youth serving programs and the T/MC in 2024?
The Christmas Tree graphic was created by a student in the Cabrini Connections program. I've reused it often. It demonstrates the range of learning and leadership roles volunteers and staff can make available to youth who are part of organized, non-school, tutor, mentor and learning programs.
What's happened since 2009? In 2011 I left Cabrini Connections and took personal responsibility for continuing the Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago and helping similar intermediaries grow in other cities. I created Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC to provide an organized structure.
I continue to maintain a library of resources, including
my lists of Chicago area volunteer-based tutor, mentor and learning programs. I continue to try to motivate people to take on the YOU role on a consistent basis.
I've not found investors to help do this work so have depended on donations from a small group of supporters. If you can help,
visit this page and use PayPal to send your support.