Monday, August 07, 2023

Support long-term mentoring.

 A couple of weeks ago I shared new research on mentoring in this article.

I hope you'll take time to read it. One of the key points was the  mismatch between how philanthropy funds long-term programs and the need for long-term programs to build and sustain relationships, or "who you know". 

Then take a look at this article, which includes the graphic shown below.

If we want to help more kids living today in high poverty areas move safely through school and into adult lives, with jobs that enable them to raise their own kids free of poverty, we must innovate ways to generate on-going operating dollars to a wide ecosystem of organizations in Chicago and other communities.

On Saturday I watched via ZOOM a  panel discussion from the STEMM Opportunity Alliance conference held in Chicago. One of the speakers used the term "Cathedral Building" to describe visionary work that will take many generations to complete.

I think my work is Cathedral Building, too.  Maybe it's impossible.  It certainly will take decades. This reminds me of an article I posted several years ago about the Tower of Babel, from the Old Testament

According to the Bible story God saw that men might work together to solve impossible problems and thus he gave them different languages so they could not communicate with each other.

But, is this God's will, or the will of people in power and privilidge, who are supported by religious leaders?  Below is an image from an article I read this weekend, titled "How we got stuck: The origins of hierarchy and inequality"

These are all related.  People in power don't want to solve the problems we face. They want to protect their positions of privilidge.  

I keep sharing the graphic at the right. If YOU are reading this you have the power to help change the future, just by sharing my articles, and my library, with your network, and the world.

Furthermore, you can read the articles I point to and form study groups, where others read and reflect on the same articles.

From this comes brainstorming and new solutions.  

While I've been sharing these ideas for over 20 years, too few people have ever seen them.  That's why it's not only important for you to pass them on, but for you to help me find one, or more, places that will collect my archives and use them for research, study, reflection and inspiration for the next many decades.

Will you help?

Connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon and my blogs.  

Help me pay the bills, with a small contribution

Take ownership of these ideas. 

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