Thursday, May 23, 2024

Honor those who gave their lives

Next Monday America will honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in service to this country.  Open the "Memorial Day" tag on this blog, you'll find many stories I've posted in the past. I hope you'll read some of them. 

My message has continually been "Remembering the sacrifices of those who have given their lives, bodies, spirits and loved ones to this country can best be done by making daily commitments to actions that reduce poverty, strife, inequality, conflict and destruction of Mother Earth and other forms of life."

At the right is a graphic that I've used to focus on doing the research and planning that gets us from "here", or where we are now, to "there", or where we want to be in the future.   Find it in this article.

As you look at this, I encourage you to read this article about "Project 2025" which is the playbook Republican strategists have in place to reshape America if they win the Presidency in 2024.   Even if they lose in the November 2024 election, ultra conservative groups will continue to push this agenda.

Is that what our men and women in the Armed Forces gave their lives for?  

Amidst all the parades, picnics, ballgames and family celebrations, find time to do some reading and reflection.  While I hope this leads some to support strategies I've shared since 1993 to help volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs reach K-12 kids in every high poverty neighborhood of America, I hope all will learn more about the threats to the kids I focus on, and to women and girls, and to the basic freedom to worship however we choose, within a pluralistic democracy. 

Thanks for reading. Please share my articles in your networks and follow me on social media networks (see my links here). 

If you can help me pay the bills, please look for information on this page

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