I've been building the Tutor/Mentor library since the 1970s, with books, videos, articles and research that I've found interesting and useful and have archived, to make it available to others. I started putting this on the Internet in the late 1990s and have added to it regularly since then.
Below is a map showing the entire library. Click here to view

This now has more than 2000 external links, plus hundreds of articles, visual essays and videos created by myself and interns who have worked for me in the past. Many of the websites I point to have their own extensive libraries.
Imagine all of the people who work in these organizations or write these article were connected in a huge information and problem solving web. Twitter had that potential. No longer. Other social media sites have also offered that potential. I started connecting with others in the 1990s via email list conversations, then Yahoo Groups, then Google+.
I built my library using this on-going question: "What are all the things we need to know and do to reach all kids in high poverty areas with organized tutor, mentor and learning programs that help them move safely through school and into adult lives, with jobs and careers that enable them to raise their own kids free of poverty?"
Each node on the concept map has a small box at the bottom that leads to an external web site or another concept map.
One section that I've been building for the past 10-15 years focuses on race, poverty and inequality, which are root causes for why we need extra programs and where they are most needed. This concept map show sections in this part of the library.
In 2016, after Donald Trump was elected to be President of the United States, I began building a list of articles on a
DropBox page, showing the harm he was causing. I've expanded
this list over the past eight years to show the forces that have put the rich in power over myself and the masses of ordinary people.
My most recent addition was a video of the Midnight Kingdom Lecture Series, which is described as "a deep dive into the history of how our world was constructed using white supremist lies, religious mythologies, and poisonous conspiracy theories". It's based on a book by Jarod Yates Sexton.
this link to view Episode 1 of the series. I've only watched the first two videos so far, but it's already pretty depressing, and a strong reason to vote for Kamala Harris, just to slow the forces working against us.
That video is only the most recent of a long list of articles I've put on this page. The graphic below shows a few added in mid 2022.
In a
July 2024 article I wrote about the
Internet as a force for Change. By that, I meant that the Internet makes all of this information available to everyone with access. It's there, if you're motivated to look. It does what the printing press began to do about 550 years ago.
In Episode 2 of the Midnight Kingdom lectures Yates shows how those in power try to control media and all forms of learning to shape a world view that supports them staying in power. He also shows how people who are oppressed find ways to learn about issues and unite to create change.
The frightening thing is that they then become the ones in power, who apply the same tactics to stay in power. This is a constant, never-ending battle.
As long as people make an effort to aggregate and archive resources that show what's happening and why, we have a slim chance of blunting the power-grabbing tendencies of those in power and give representation to the rest of us.
Keeping this information available to you is an on-going effort. Since 2011 I've been the only one managing this effort (and paying for it from my own pocket and a small set of donations).
The history I point to extends back to the beginning of civilization when people in power began to use religion to force people to do the will of the people in power. It will continue into the future.
Beyond my lifetime. Maybe beyond the current version of the Internet.
Thus, I appeal to young people, future thinkers, technologists, etc. to reach out and take ownership of my archives (and those of others) to keep the library updated, and to move it to new platforms as the current ones are shut down.
You can find me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, BlueSky, Facebook, Mastodon, etc. See links on
this page. Please share my articles so others have access to this information. Reach out if you want to help.
Finally, I appeal to you to join the small group of donors who make annual contributions to help me pay the bills. Visit
this page.
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