Sunday, October 22, 2017

Take a Look. Create Your Own Version. Pass it on!

Step Up-Take Action
I've been sharing ideas using Power Point/PDF presentations and printed newsletters for more than 20 years. Since 2005 I've been using this and other blogs for that purpose.

And I've been encouraging others to look at what I do, then create their own versions.  That's what Kevin Hodgson, a middle school teacher from Western Massachusetts did this weekend.  Kevin took time to look at this Role of Leaders pdf, then created a comic strip, with his own interpretation. 

The image above is from a cartoon you can see in full on his blog.

So how did we get to this point?  I joined Kevin and other educators in 2013 for a Connected Learning MOOC (#clmooc), and I've re-connected every year since then, using my blog posts to introduce work I was doing and to encourage them to involved their own students in doing this work.  Browse the #clmooc tag and you can see past articles.

So earlier this week I posted a Tweet on Twitter showing how an educator from the Chicago area was creating a geography text book, using a comics format.  As folks from #clmooc responded to my Tweet I repeated my invitation that others use comics to tell the stories I've been telling.  You can see the thread and Kevin's response in the Tweets posted below:

then, Kevin posted his comic today in this Tweet
then, others in #clmooc group passed on Kevin's Tweet, adding some kind words endorsing my efforts.

Interns from various universities in the US, South Korea and other countries have been looking at my ideas and creating their own interpretations for many years. In 2013 I asked two interns to look at work others had done in previous years. He created this graphic and used it in this Prezi presentation.

A second intern created the video below, to share the same information:

You can view the collection of intern work at this link.

These illustrate that there are many ways to communicate and share ideas that are launched by myself or others.  I'm a small voice, with few resources to create and share ideas that I feel are important and apply to every major city in the world where poverty is concentrated in small areas surrounded by the power and wealth of the larger urban area.  (These ideas apply in rural areas and smaller communities, too, but the size and population density of the geography make challenges and solutions somewhat different.)

When people like Kevin and others in networks like #clmooc begin to look at my articles, then create their own interpretations, they are building their own understanding and passing on the ideas to people in their own networks.

This graphic illustrates how this network-building and idea sharing can ultimately lead to people with greater wealth, power and influence looking at the ideas and adding their own support.

We need to find a lot of these Chicago and in every other city.

If you'd like to help me continue to do this work, create your own interpretations, or visit this page and give your financial support.

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