Think of all the ways volunteers, interns, students and friends of a tutor/mentor program can connect, learn from each other, and take on leadership roles that encourage other people to get involved.
This video was created last week by Bradley Troast, a Northwestern University Public Interest Program Fellow, working with Cabrini Connections from July 2009 through June 2010. The announcer is E. Wilson, an intern from Loyola.
The two people being interviewed are volunteers at Cabrini Connections. They are part of Team Impeccable, one of 13 teams of students, volunteers, board members and friends who are part of Cabrini Madness 2010.
Each team is trying to raise money to keep Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection in business. They are competing with each other to see who can raise the most by April 1, 2010.
You can follow the progress of each team at our Cabrini Madness page. You can adopt a team by making a donation, then encourage other people to get involved, just by passing on this blog address, or links to the weekly videos that will be produced.
This is a team building activities, a leadership development activity, and a service-learning activity for our teens and volunteers. It's just one of many learning and network-building experiences that happen each week in a program like Cabrini Connections.
If you look at the Tutor/Mentor Connection strategy map, you'll see that our goal is to help programs like this be operating in all high poverty areas of the Chicago region.
Can you help us?
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