Sunday, February 07, 2010

Super Bowl, Olympics, Politics, Cabrini Madness

Tonight about 130 million people will watch the Super Bowl. 30 second TV ads will cost over $2 million each.

Today in the Chicago Tribune I read about crooked politicians and how they reap millions in state contracts, and control who gets elected in Illinois and other states.

Next week millions will tune into watch the Winter Olympics.

While all this may make us feel better, and feed the economy, and make the rich richer, my goal is that by posting messages with these topics in them today and next week, I can attract donors to Cabrini Madness, our own competition to raise needed dollars to fund the work of Cabrini Connections and the Tutor/Mentor Connection.

This photo illustrates why it's important to attract some donors to support our work. This was taken more than 20 years ago when these kids were participating in the tutoring program hosted at the Montgomery Ward complex in Chicago. Today, many are connected to me on Facebook, and some are joining a new alumni group we've formed on

What this illustrates is that "connecting a youth and volunteer in a tutor/mentor program is only the beginning. Keeping them connected to each other, and the program, is an on-going process" that must be continuously funded if the youth will experience the real benefit of an expanded social network consisting of people who don't live in poverty, and who hold jobs in many different industries, when they are adults. This PDF essay illustrates this concept.

I don't have the dollars to have an on TV today, or any day of the year. However, if you find this article via a Google Search, Twitter, or Facebook, please choose a Cabrini Madness team to support and make a donation, then pass the message on to your own friends, so they can help too.

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